Saturday 2 April 2011

morning all

Well I had wanted to post something else, but handn't downloaded it from my camera yet, so I've been looking for another photo to post and this is it. This is a mural I painted in around 2007 on the wall of the school library. It was designed as a bit of a European art lesson while making reference to where we live. Both ends have been cut off in this picture. They were a prow of a viking ship and the stern of a Maori Waka. It looked at its best on a misty morning. Anyway its gone now. I was ok about that having said when I painted it I didn't want it to be there for more than 5 years. Sometimes murals go way past their useby date and this was painted on a wall that by itself was in need of repair, so now it has been reboarded and painted over as the whole school recieved a facelift this summer and this mural is gone. This morning I am finding particular words elluding me. Maybe I need another coffee! I'vc had one call out for the ambulance for two nights running and my cat never lets me sleep past 5.30-which mostly I'm happy with being a morning person, but it can periodically result in mild sleep deprivation. Ephemeral- that was the word I had lost- I enjoy art that doesn't need to last.This concept feels entirely in tune with nature unless of course youre talking giant trees or rocks, and that's relative.  Struggling to make words happen. But glad to be sharing. It is a beautiful morning in fogland with a slight hint of red in the sky. Catch you later.

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