The horse in the pic above is MUZZ! Yay Muzz features again. I had such a good time yesterday getting him out of his paddock and down the road to here. He was so funny and clever and giving- giving in the end. In the beginning he told me he couldn't jump out of his paddock over the ditch/creek and up the bank. No way. So we waited and I kept offering him the feel of where I wanted him to go and pointing him in the right direction and then all by himself with no help from me he went ok, so the other side of the creek is where you want me and he gathered himself onto his hind and lifted his front up up up and over he popped. Poor guy he seemed sure his life would end once over or on the way, but it didn't, and now, after meeting for the first time drains and curbs and white lines, workers welding and a kids playground he's in his yard next to Sass- who you can't see and tomorrow no doubt we'll have fun again when I take him back.

Look what I made at 5 in the morning! Warmed the kitchen and kept the doors shut, fell asleep for an hour while they rose, didn't have a 'short snort' of some sort of alkihol like Pa would have done, but none the less, these are the best hot cross buns I have ever made- today is Good Friday and pretty much every year my Dad would bake bread or buns on Good friday. I often but not always carry on the tradition, and these ARE GOOD. Dad would be proud. I did a crossed batch and an uncrossed batch.
This is an uncrossed bun with butter. Tender... faintly sweet, spicy and warm. Perfect. And coffee.
Back to messy, here's a little autumn jewel hiding in the tangle on the South side of our house.
Snapshot of our back doorstep. Messy, busy, practical. I love the volunteered Sage. We are good friends. On first name basis. And look below my vege plot! You can't see the details but there are leeks, cabbages, kale, carrots, spring onions, radishes, broad beans, silver beet, celery, runner beans and a couple of other things too.
Happy messy life.
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