Sunday, 19 June 2011

What's new?

I'll tell you what. Bob is back from the States and he had a fantastic time with horse people and horses, and a not so fantastic time feeling lonely sometimes especially amid far more people and traffic than he is used to. What's also new is that we have both been a bit coldy, snuffly, headachey. Too bad. I take paracetamol, nap in the afternoon and get over it. Bob sweats it out at night, ick. Anyway here are some pictures from over the past couple of weeks when I haven't blogged and even one from way back. I just liked the colour. AND specially for the blind or partially sited an upside down photo. I know, I do my best to increase my audience. This is a morning shot 'Sun through Fog'. Taken a couple of weeks back. Back then I thought winter might actually happen. I have my doubts- it is so damn warm. I love frosts, fires, ice, snow even, getting warm after a cold walk, comfort food, no weed growth. I'm beginning to feel cheated. But next week it is the shortest day and maybe the saying "As the days get longer, the winter gets stronger' will kick in. Here's hoping. Many of you wont agree.

Hey did you notice something odd about this pic? No worries if you didn't. It's especially for you.xx

I've added this because this is an OLDEY but a goody, simply because I like the colours in the picture and the shape of avacados and also they remind me of our friends Brett and Jane who grow them. Too bad they also remind me that the weather is not much different to what it was back when Bob brought them back from Golden Bay over a month and a half ago.

This is a Moth Orchid in my Mum's room that has finally flowered again. My brother and his family gave it to Mum probably four years ago now. It is generally a regular flower bearer- well once a year I guess. Beautiful plant.

Hey, who's that English Professer/Beekeeper giving feed to Sassy and Princess? OMG It's Bob! Back from America and looking...British. I don't get it.
But there it is.

This is Sassy. She is a sweetie, but surplus to requierments so she is for sale. We'll help her find a good home.

And finally  a new Geranium I bought for Mum to repalce the Mother's day Chrysanthemum, which is now in the garden. It lives with the Moth Orchid. I hope it will be very happy. I love Geraniums. So does Mum. Luckily.

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