Sunday, 17 July 2011

Winter is finally here

 As you can see from these shots there is snow on the hills all around us. This is the first glorius clear afternoon we've had in while. There's been lightning and thunder, hail and RAIN and, need I say it, snow. But I'm glad. I love the conrast of the seasons. The first shot is to the East and the second shot is to the West. So respectively towards Nelson and towards the Coast.
This is Salsa who we've had back in for more anti-biotics and to re- assess her state.  
Her wound has not yet healed and she had started having trouble eating hay. After a week  she is starting to look better.


Monday, 11 July 2011

I'm having trouble, that's why I haven't blogged for so long.

 I went here for a three day Restoritive Practice workshop. It was great. This is Kaiteriteri from outside my room in the morning.
I'm having trouble with this blogging lark. I'm just not that much of a gas bag about myself and my doings.
Hey you can play spot the difference in these photos of a mobile I made for the daughter of a friend's baby.